LittleLuna – Bad Professor

LittleLuna – Bad Professor


You haven’t been passing your college classes and my tutoring doesn’t seem to be helping. I guess we’ll have to work something out *wink* so your Dad does’t cut you off for failing. You better impress me. With my natural hair for once in a long time, I made this video to try something new, quite outside my comfort zone. But I must broaden my horizon. So I hope you enjoy this video. It’s more of a fem dom/manipulation maybe? I’m submissive so trying this was completely new to me. I’m actually talking in a video, and its pretty dirty. Plus new angles! I know there are some things to fix if I make future videos like this but for my first try I’m pretty proud of it. So pull your cock out for me and enjoy


Format: mp4 / Size: 1.65 GB / Duration : 00:11:39 / Resolution: 1920 1080 AVC

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