QueenSnake – champagne fountain

QueenSnake – champagne fountain


This is a remake of the Happy New Year movie which was made several years ago. At that time Tanita was shooting me with plastic champagne corks and now she is shooting Nazryana the same way. We have used up 38 bottles of champagne for this movie, the girls actually were having a champagne bath in the end 🙂 There was so much booze evaporated that the air inside the dungeon made all of us drunk 🙂 It was a real mess after the shooting but watching Nazryana’s screaming and squirming and Tanita’s erotic champagne shower, I think it was worth it all. I wish you a very kinky and happy new year!


QueenSnake-champagne fountain
Format: mp4 / Size: 1.85 GB / Duration : 00:34:50 / Resolution: 1920 1080 AVC

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